Father of Biology


 Little we know about his childhood is that his father Nicomachus died when Aristotle was a child. Later he was adopted by a guardian. By seventeen years of age, he joined Plato's Academy in Athens. At that place, he remained till thirty-seven years old. 


He wrote many books. All of his books covers subjects like physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, and philosophy. After Plato died, he left Plato Academy. By the request of Philip 2 of Macedon, he started tutoring Alexander. After the death of Plato, he shifted his research in empirical studies. This made him shift from Platonism to Empiricism.

Analytics and Organon:

Aristotle himself labeled his types of syllogisms as 'Analytics'. Most of the Aristotle's works available today are not in their original form because many of them were edited by his students and other lecturers according to their knowledge.

All the logical works done by Aristotle were compiled into six books called Organon. The books are namely :

  • Categories
  • On Interpretation
  • Prior Analytics
  • Posterior Analytics
  • Topics
  • On Sophistical Refutations


Aristotle named this Work as 'First Philosophy' made it distinguished from mathematics and natural science. But the word " Meta-Physics " seems to have edited by an editor in the first century AD. He used small sections of Aristotle'sworks to name it into Meta Physics. Substance, Potentiality, and Actuality


Hylomorphism is a philosophical theory which states that a particular substance is a combination of both matter and form. In Metaphysics he examines the concepts of substance and essence.


Aristotle says that motion is divided into two kinds namely
1. Violent or unnatural motion
2. natural motion

In Violent motion, when an object that causes motion of other objects stops then immediately other objects will be at rest position. For example, a stone was thrown. Aristotle stated that the reason for anything coming out can be attributed to four main kinds of active factors. They are Material Cause, Formal Cause, Efficient Cause, and Final Cause.


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